Peter Stoll - Audio Mysteries and other Odds & Ends

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Here you'll find 2 tracks of a mystery clarinetist...a university student some years ago loaned me a cassette tape he'd inherited from his school band teacher. An overseas clarinet student had apparently sent this in, wondering if their playing would be good enough to get into university here. Listening to these violin transcriptions, as well as a virtuoso improvised contemporary track, one can hear masterful performance of many extended techniques, such as rapid articulation, extreme high range, and singing while playing, to create the effect of chorales. Please enjoy, and let me know if you know who this is! Sorry for the older sound quality, but I think the playing is worth listening through that...

Mystery Clarinetist Part 1 Transcriptions

Mystery Clarinetist Part 2 Contemporary

There's also a 'buried treasure' for saxophonists: I found on an old videotape a recording off-air of the Amherst Sax Quartet premiering a lovely octet with a string quartet, by composer Michael Sahl, called "Storms".

Michael Sahl Storms

Lastly a video of me with an Eb clarinet that turned out to be missing a fairly important inner part!

A Clarinet Missing Something

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